Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Witch Doctor's Invitation

Having a doctor on our Medical Expedition was a key used by God to unlock even the darkest of hearts. Within 10 minutes of arriving in our host village, we were handed a baby who was covered in a contagious skin condition. Since she was returning to her village the next morning, the baby's mother invited the doctor and our whole team to her village (a new village for us) to come and examine the baby further.

Hiking an hour and 45 minutes, crossing a river and a stream, sighting leopard dung along the way, we arrived at a homestead containing 15 people; yet, we had unknowingly stepped into a great plan from God. While, Tim Roberts, our guest physician from the States examined the entire family, gave medical advice and prayed for the sick, Javen and John met with the elder grandfather of the homestead. After sharing with him that this is what we do (show God's love to villages) and that we want to be able to do so in his, with a soft heart, he gave permission for us to return. Needing permission from the surrounding homesteads in the area as well, he offered to go there himself and obtain it for us. Hearing about our desire to show the Jesus Film in his village, he invited us to a larger village where "more people could have the opportunity to see it", and all the surrounding villages, including his village, could gather and watch it together. At the end, God gave John a word specifically for this man and his situation. All he could do was thank us.

Walking back another hour and 45 minute, this time we sighted fresh leopard paw prints at the stream we had just crossed, no more than 40 mins before. Arriving at our host village, we shared the story of our afternoon to the pastor there. He said, "Do you know who you just received that invitation from? That man is one of the most powerful and feared witch doctors in the entire area. Everyone lives in fear of him. Your access to share the gospel in that area just came from A Witch Doctor's Invitation."

The Lord gave me this scripture before our first expedition this year for when we go into the mountains:

"Even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you." Psalm 139:12

God is taking the darkest hearts and piercing them with his light. I never saw a dark heart in this man- I saw only a soft one. 

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